Werder, O. (in preparation, 2023). Transformational Health Communication. London: Palgrave.
Werder, O. (2011). Understanding Responses to Social Issues Communication: A values-centered approach to attitudinal model explanations of individual behaviour. Saarbruecken, Germany: AV Akademikerverlag.
Articles in refereed journals:
Werder, O. (2017). Toward a Humanistic Model in Health Communication. Global Health Promotion, (Online First), doi: 10.1177/1757975916683385
Sussman, Andrew L., Montoya, C., Werder, O., Davis, S., Wallerstein, N. & Kong, A. (2013). An adaptive CBPR approach to create weight management materials for a school-based health center intervention. Journal of Obesity, Vol. 2013, (May), 2-12, doi: 10.1155/2013/978482.
Clark, A., & Werder, O. (2007). Analyzing International Radio Stations: A Systems Approach. International Communication Gazette, 69(5), 527-535.
Werder, O. (2007). Battle of the bulge: A comparison of obesity prevention campaigns in the United States and Germany. Obesity Reviews, 8(5), 451-457, doi: 10.1111/j.1467-789X.2007.00368.x.
Werder, O. (2006). Influences on the recycling behavior of young adults: Avenues for social marketing campaigns. Environmental Communication Yearbook 3, 77-96.
Werder, O. & Pérez, F. (2005). The Hispanic consumer market: A consumer behavior model approach. IMC Review – Journal of Integrated Marketing Communications, 4(1), 20-26.
Werder, O. (2005). Culture and corporate communication: The influence of values on media perceptions and reporting style of Coca-Cola’s reaction to the 1999 poison crisis in Europe In: M. Hinner (Ed.), Introduction to Business Communication, (Vol. 1, pp. 323-338). Frankfurt, Germany: Peter Lang.
Werder, O. (2004). ‘Truth’ and consequences: A review of three successful state tobacco control programs. In C. Gardner, J. Biberman, & A. Alkhafaji (Eds.), Business Research Yearbook: Global Business Perspectives, (Vol. 11, pp. 459-463). Saline, MI: McNaughton & Gunn.
Werder, O. (2002). Debating the Euro - Media Agenda Setting in a Cross-National Environment. Gazette – The International Journal for Communication Studies, 64(3), 219-233.
Werder, O., & Golan, G. (2002). Sharon wins: News Coverage and Framing of the 2001 Israeli Prime Minister Election in Ten Western Print Media. Global Media Journal, 1(1), 12-19.
Articles appearing as chapters in edited volumes:
Werder, O. (2014). Germany's Advertising Education (Ch. 16). In Richards, Jef I., & Bill I. Ross, (Eds.), Advertising education around the world, (pp. 210-215). Pittsboro, NC: American Academy of Advertising.
Werder, O. (2009). Advertising Theories. In Karen Foss, Stephen Littlejohn (Eds.), Encyclopedia of Communication Theory, (pp. TBD). Thousand Oaks, CA: Sage.
Werder, O. (2009). Attitude Theories. In Karen Foss, Stephen Littlejohn (Eds.), Encyclopedia of Communication Theory, (pp. TBD). Thousand Oaks, CA: Sage.
Werder, O. (2009). Media Effects Theories. In Karen Foss, Stephen Littlejohn (Eds.), Encyclopedia of Communication Theory, (pp. TBD). Thousand Oaks, CA: Sage.
Werder, O. (2009). The Influence of Family, Peer and Media Communication on the Prosocial Behavior of Young Adults in Two Cultures. In: Yorgo Passadeos (Ed.), Variety in Mass Communication Research, (pp. 273-286). Athens, Greece: Atiner Publishing.
Werder, O. (2008). “Niche” and New Planning Approaches (Chapter 8). In M. Azarro (Ed.), Strategic Media Decisions, (2nd Ed.), (pp. 251-272). Chicago, IL: The Copy Workshop.
Werder, O. (2008). Standardization vs. differentiation – Cultural influences on English-language and Spanish-language TV advertising in the US. In: Pedro Rodrigues, Peter Neijens (Eds.), New Trends in Advertising Research, (pp. 85-100). Lisbon, Portugal: Silabo Publishing.
Werder, O. (2006). The global fight against obesity: A comparative analysis of media-related causes and prevention efforts. In: Yorgo Passadeos & Dimitra Dimitrakopoulou (Eds.), Mass Media Research: International Approaches, (pp. 111-122). Athens, Greece: Atiner Publishing.
Werder, O. (2006). Brewing romance: The romantic fantasy theme of the Taster’s Choice advertising campaign. In: Mary-Lou Galician & Debra Merskin (Eds.), Critical thinking about sex, love and romance in the mass media: Media literacy applications, (pp. 313-325). Mahwah, NJ: Lawrence Erlbaum.
Invited chapters published in conference proceedings:
Werder, O. (2012). Health literacy’s connection to health behavior and policy support. Proceedings of the World Association of Public Opinion Research (WAPOR), pp. 26-31.
Werder, O. (2011). Selling “the beautiful game”: Cultural influences on soccer apparel advertising. Proceedings of the Australian and New Zealand Communications Association Conference ANZCA, pp. 57-63.
Werder, O., Cotter, M., & Chadwick, C. (2007, April). The relative influence of fear appeals on consumer responses in commercial product campaigns. Proceedings of the 2007 Annual Meeting of the American Academy of Advertising, pp. 89-92.
Werder, O. (2006). Battle of the bulge: A comparative review of obesity prevention approaches in the U.S. and Germany. Proceedings of the 2006 CDC Diabetes Translation and Obesity Conference, pp. 155-156.
Werder, O., & Roberts, M. (2005). Generation Y’s consumer ethnocentrism: Implications for advertisers in a post September 11th world, Proceedings of the 2005 Annual Meeting of the American Academy of Advertising, pp. 87-88.
Werder, O. (2000). Retreat in Dunkirk – How Cultural Differences Impacted Coca-Cola’s Communications Strategy in Europe. Proceedings of the IAA Educators Conference, International Advertising Association,
Technical Reports:
Oetzel, J., McDermott, V., Werder, O., An, Z (2008). Report on attitudes toward behavioral health: Development of a baseline survey. Prepared for New Mexico Behavioral Health Collaborative, NM Human Services Department.
Other writings:
Werder, O. (2004). Book Review: The Choice Modelling Approach to Environmental Valuation, J. Bennett & R. Blamey (Eds.) in Natural Resources Journal, Vol. 44(3), 921-924.
Werder, O. (2004). Book Review: Economic Growth and Valuation of the Environment: A Debate, E.C. van Ierland, J. van der Straaten, & H. Vollebergh (Eds.) in Natural Resources Journal, Vol. 44(1), 332-335.
Werder, O. (1995, May). Savvy Internet Advertising. DBA Magazine: The Houston business publication Houston, TX, pp. 15-16.