{tab=Crisis Comm} M ECO 6909 - Crisis Communication examines how organisations use communication/PR skills to deal with crisis situations. We will use case studies to explore frameworks, risk prioritisation, issues management, planning, response and evaluation strategies for diverse organisations and topics from environmental and corporate to health and social. This course is a required course for Masters-level students in Health Communication, Strategic Public Relations and Health Securities but open to other students (may require a separate approval process). It is offered in Semester 1 (roughly March thru June) of each academic year. While we are working on an online module, it is to date a face-to-face course only, i.e., you have to be in the classroom for the duration of the semester to take this course. The video provides some more details on this unit of study but feel free to contact me with any further questions. {tab=Health Comm} M ECO 6919 - Health Communication discusses the relevance of communication skills and techniques in the process of public health activities (interventions, campaigns, etc.). Through roundtable discussions and individual work, you will learn about theoretic backgrounds as well as how to develop and structure an intervention/communication piece. This course is a required course for Masters-level students in Health Communication but open to other students (may require a separate approval process). It is offered in Semester 1 (roughly March thru June) of each academic year. While we are working on an online module, it is to date a face-to-face course only, i.e., you have to be in the classroom for the duration of the semester to take this course. The video provides some more details on this unit of study but feel free to contact me with any further questions. {tab=Org Comm} M ECO 6927 - Organisational Communication introduces key concepts and structures in organisational communication and how those structures affect the flow of communication within workplaces. Through roundtable discussions, group projects and individual work, you will learn how to analyse and manage communication situations in organisations (e.g., decision-making, conflict, technology). This course is a required course for Masters-level students in Health Communication but open to other students (may require a separate approval process). It is offered in Semester 2 (roughly end of July thru Oct/Nov) of each academic year. While we are working on an online component, it is to date a face-to-face course only, i.e., you have to be in the classroom for the duration of the semester to take this course. The video provides some more details on this unit of study but feel free to contact me with any further questions. {tab=Social Mktg} M ECO 6934 - Social Marketing integrates marketing concepts with other approaches to influence behaviours that benefit individuals and communities. Applying key elements such as research, theory, competition and segmentation, you will build your knowledge of how social marketing can be used to facilitate behaviour change and improve social outcomes, including health, environment, economic and education programs. It will include how to design, manage and communicate social and behaviour change programs in Australia and internationally. This course is a required course for Masters-level students in Health Communication and a recommended elective to those in Public Health but open to other students (may require a separate approval process). It is offered as a short course during Semester 2 (roughly September thru Oct/Nov) of each academic year. While we are working on an online component, it is to date a face-to-face course only, i.e., you have to be in the classroom for the duration of the semester to take this course. The video provides some more details on this unit of study but feel free to contact me with any further questions. {/tabs}